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Updated: Aug 12, 2024

A new direction comes from reflecting on your life, discovering what is working for you or against you.


  • What changes would you like to make?

  • Is there anything holding you back from moving forward?

  • How can you start moving in a new direction. What are the steps to get you there?

  • How are you going to implement these changes in your everyday life?

  • Make a start and the rest will follow!

If you find that your past patterns are holding you back, refer to my earlier posts for assistance. When you make the choice to go in a new direction, you will have to keep reinforcing this new choice.

If you have followed my previous posts you may have already started with the above. If you have, go back to your original list and think about the changes you have made, or not made.

If you haven't made any changes why is this? What has stopped you? How can you move beyond these barriers?

Make a choice, find yourself and change your life!

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